sing, dance + stand up to cancer! 10.25.08

october is closing in on us....dang, my favorite month is almost over! on the flipside, we're so excited to donate a portion of proceeds from our october photo print sales to several charitable cancer organizations at the end of the month! we're mainly supporting breast cancer causes this month since it's breast cancer awareness month but i did find another cancer organization that is getting busy kicking cancer to the curb!!! it's called stand up to cancer (SU2C) and it rocks! speaking of rocking, ingrid michaelson, a female artist that we really dig, just released her new album Be OK and a portion of proceeds from the sale of her newly released album go to SU2C. she will be on the road with the Be OK tour starting october 29th...see if she's coming to your town. we happened to catch her at the variety playhouse last week when she was here with the hotel cafe tour and she was fantastic and super funny! so check out her new music and support a great cause!

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