lauren + matt in the knot magazine 12.28.07

we were so happy to hear that lauren + matt's wedding was going to be published in the north carolina spring/summer 2008 issue of the knot! their super intimate wedding was at the mast farm inn in valle crucis, north carolina on april 7th. lauren has been a very close friend of ours for eons and it is so fantastic that she met someone as amazing as matt. theirs was meant to be a perfect spring outdoor wedding but after the rehearsal dinner it started snowing and snowing and snowing! honestly, the unexpected snow added to the magic and beauty of their wedding.

here is the cover and their one-page spread

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merry christmas eve 12.24.07

ooh, the anticipation. i came home earlier this evening and saw A + L gazing through the window as if they were looking for ruldolph and the gang to come whizzing by with jolly ole saint nicholas. they had just put some carrots outside for the reindeer and filled santa's plate with cookies. we will see what happens...
ps...A begged scott to buy these HUGE yard decorations from target the other day. things we do as parents of young children : )

cristen + scott

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thao + mark . engagement session 12.23.07

i got together with thao + mark earlier this month and we caught the last weekend that the gingko trees (a chester family favorite tree!) had leaves so we made sure to take advantage of its beautiful background color! these two are an awesome couple and i am really looking forward to working with them again for their chateau elan wedding april 26th!

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agwpja winning image! 12.20.07

the results are in for the Q3 2007 artistic guild wpja (also known as agwpja) international contest and i landed a spot 9th place in the ceremony category for an image from kaelin + scott's october wedding! a big thanks to the agwpja judges and to kaelin + scott!

here is the winning image screenshot from the agwpja website

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