birthday wishes! 08.20.07

my sweet wife had a birthday today! she is the very best friend i have ever had and i am so happy that i will spend the rest of my life with her. she is a fantastic mom and for that i thank her. she is a bit camera shy...but today the camera and cristen were friends and i was able to get a few fun shots. happy birthday sweetie!

here she is with L in the a.m, getting all the love in the afternoon, and just being lovely!

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family day . the aquarium 08.16.07

we took monday off from anything work related to have some fun with our girls! with it being august in atlanta we decided to go explore the nice (and cold!) georgia aquarium again. we have not been in over a year and A loved seeing all the "salmon" (that is what she likes to call all fish!) and she could not wait to see the penguins again! L enjoyed the sites from the comforts of her stroller! here are a few of A.

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