ashante: I love that your pictures have this grand depth of range and the back drops of natural surroundings that are weathered make the couples and the buildings that much more beautiful. It has this nice apple pie and cobbler vintage feel to it. Just really genuine photography. Keep up the mondo good work. (7.19.10, 10:41pm)

Lauren: These are two of the finest people I know and you captured them beautifully. The picture of them laying down is beyond words. So excited for this wedding! (7.8.10, 7:02am)

Jared: Thanks for making us look so good! Great pictures, we couldn't be happier! (7.3.10, 7:09pm)

Anne: Love them! Very fun; I will be ordering multiple for the wall. :) Can't wait 'til October!! (6.19.10, 2:26pm)

Nawal: love the photos! you guys look great! can't wait for the wedding! (6.18.10, 8:37am)

Casey@HelloLove: These are so great! Such creative angles, and the colors are perfect. (6.16.10, 4:44pm)

Jennifer: Yaaay!!!! You guys are amazing. I think our favorite one is the one of us lying down. Scott has such a great eye for spotting perfect places. We cannot thank you enough! (6.15.10, 6:57pm)

rsl: Wow! Loved the different lighting reflected in these...Can't wait to see more! (6.15.10, 6:26pm)

rychelle: i'm digging the relaxed feel of this shoot. groovy. (6.15.10, 10:48am)

Fotografia Slubna: Fantastic toning. It looks kinda polaroid. I miss polaroids. (6.15.10, 2:36am)