Don Riggdon: What about old Ernest saves x-mas theres a classic. (12.3.09, 2:52pm)

rychelle: OMG! did i read that correctly?!? did i win?!? WOW! (12.1.09, 5:40pm)

Kenny: Charlie Brown Christmas is the best! Also, can't go wrong with Christmas Vacation. (11.29.09, 7:19pm)

emily: Home Alone! I never tire of it! (And A Christmas Story, of course) (11.29.09, 8:56am)

Melanie: Next year will be our first Christmas as a family (baby on the way) and I'm going to start a Christmas movie collection... The Santa Clause with Tim Allen + The Grinch who stole Christmas will definitely be in my collection :) Happy movie watching! (11.28.09, 10:44am)

Michelle: Happy Thanksgiving! My favorite holiday movie is National Lampoons' Christmas Vacation. I die with laughter even today watching that movie. (11.27.09, 3:54pm)

rychelle: happy thanksgiving! don't skip Elf or A Christmas Story. both are classics in my book. (11.27.09, 2:32pm)

AJ: A Charlie Brown Christmas! (11.27.09, 1:26pm)

Mimi: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and give my love to Betty, Frances and all the family! Kiss those sweet girlies for Mimi & Bob, Nana & Uncle Buds, save some hugs & kisses for your ownselves! WE LOVE YOU! (11.27.09, 11:10am)

kathleen: Elf! It's not quite old enough to be a classic, but it's probably my favorite holiday movie ever. Hilarious! (11.27.09, 10:49am)