kayte weldon: congratsulations neighbors, cant wait to see more! (10.29.09, 4:09pm)

alice: loving it!!!! (10.28.09, 9:00pm)

laura: So cool! I love it! (10.26.09, 9:29pm)

Mimi: Love the video-animation AND the choreography! What a great way to start married life...full of fun and laughter. I wish you the best Kate and Andy! (10.25.09, 7:13am)

Lesley Graham: love love love (10.24.09, 6:31pm)

kate k.: wow wow, how lucky are we! this is fantastic--thanks for the sneak peek! (10.24.09, 1:47pm)

amy kiefer: amazing! (10.24.09, 1:40pm)