Anne: very cool! love the late-day lighting and happy for you guys! (5.4.09, 10:43am)

rychelle: these pictures make me want to cry, they're so good! that last shot is my favorite. possibly my favorite ever. (4.30.09, 10:45am)

olivia (again): Looking at these (again) makes it really sink in- Micki's getting Married! I'm so happy ya'll found each other. Looking forward to a lifetime with Jason as a brother. (4.30.09, 12:12am)

Chip W.: Claudia showed me these....totally blown away.... (4.29.09, 6:07pm)

Hyatt: Photos kick ass! You should've gotten dirty with them wall shadow pitures though... (4.28.09, 3:51pm)

olivia: really cool! can't wait to see more. i really like the shadows and the dandelions! very fun and playful! (4.28.09, 1:19pm)

claire o: LOVE these! especially the one where j's putting up his hand to stop the dandelion seeds from getting in his face. such personality! can't wait to see more! (4.28.09, 8:33am)

micki: love them!! we had a blast with scott. i think jason's allergies have finally recovered from my surprise dandelion attack--but it was totally worth it!!! (4.28.09, 8:20am)