lindsey: oh my gosh. where is that billboard? that is an awesome photo! (3.31.09, 9:21am)

Marissa & Jonathan: Love all of the shots! We can't wait to see more! Have a great weekend! (3.27.09, 3:42pm)

rychelle: they are all great, but that second shot of marrisa and jonathan is scrumdidilyumptious! (3.27.09, 10:52am)

brooke schwab: love the billboard shot! great session! (3.27.09, 10:17am)

jesse chamberlin: the billboard shot is super duper cute. go humans! (3.27.09, 9:23am)

michelle: fun! we are looking forward to seeing more :) (3.27.09, 9:17am)

Caroline + Travis: Yeah for the billboard shot! So glad we didn't get our amazing photographer arrested for that one...Can't wait to see more! Thank you Scott + Cristen! (3.27.09, 8:41am)