Dallas: These photos are works of truly beautiful artistry. I'm so thankful they exist. Loved that wedding. Love these shots! Thank you. (2.17.09, 4:17pm)

James: I'm totally diggin' your blog. Nice stuff, and I love your post work too. (2.17.09, 2:08pm)

rychelle: that shot through the window has to be one of my most favorite. ever. (2.17.09, 11:18am)

Nathan Smith: Fabulous pictures as always! It was a fun surprise to see people we know on here, we were friends with Justin several years ago. Didn't realize they had chosen you as their photographer. So fun! (2.16.09, 8:51am)

Julie: How exciting!! We had a blast at our wedding and it's such a blessing to have that captured so well. Thanks for everything! (2.16.09, 7:53am)